Creating a character was a difficult part in this assignment, before the character I created the world and the set of rules the character must follow because that’s what came to me naturally. I started out with multiple “What if” statements such as What if… time travel was real, you could tell the future, cats could talk, you could live in any fictional world, and you woke up in a maze. I couldn’t decide on one “What if” so, I decided to follow the assignments suggestion and mix two of the “What if” statement together and I got my story. The character I left an open slate, this story is really about how your decisions tell what kind of person you are.  So essentially you are the character. You take your personality and moral choices with you on this story and what ever-ending you get will be a reflection of who you are as a character.

The character wants to escape this scary labyrinth but soon discovers there is no way out unless you rely on your childhood pet. Then you realize your needs later in the story, your need is to understand why you’re in the labyrinth which will lead you to trust your pet or to eventually wind up in a coma for the rest of your life. The need is a really specific thing like I said I wanted this story to be a reflection of your own character so you/the character needs to realize every decision matters in this story as well as in life and every decision makes you who you are that is the real depth of the need.

At the beginning of this story, I wanted to give the illusion of choice. I choose to give the character three choices that all essentially end up being the same answer, the question following that is on where your action you take in this story will have consequences. There is a candle lighting the dark hallway this candle and the choice to take it is the logical thing to do and I hope the readers understand that that’s what will signify in this story to be successful in it you need to do the logical thing or the right thing. The beat after that is whether you go into the scary door that fluffy wants you to go into or not. Once again, this is a logical choice, although this a scary door the logical thing is to trust in your pet as he keeps telling you to do. These decisions add up to the final beat and the plot twist ending but the initial beats explain the motivation of the character and see (hopefully) character development.

The beats in this story start at the beginning I wanted to give them the power of choice but essentially get the point that all of these choices are redundant and only the choices you make that are the right one's matter. The right choices make up the beats. The first essential beat is to pick up the candle and understand that your decisions have consequences. The next beat is trusting your cat, hopefully you picked up on the first clue and realized that the right choice matters. So, trusting your childhood pet matters and all the decisions I give you after that second guess your choice is a clue to change your answer if it's wrong. The final beat is going through the door I tried to make the decision challenging and for you to continue second-guessing yourself by making the door scary or light. All of these decisions and beats add up to the type of ending you get. There are three ending a bad one, a sort of good one and a good one. The last beat will make your final ending although there is a plot twist after that.

I wanted this story to be deep and to have something to take away from it at the end. I didn’t want this to be a little cute little game with a cutie ending I wanted it to be dark. To carry on with my desired theme as well as allude to the plot twist at the end while caring the storytelling elements was the most difficult part. I didn’t want to give the story away and just say in the beginning “hey you're in a coma” I wanted to give as little detail as possible to let the story be a teacher of the lesson and for the story to reveal its self.

I wanted this story to reflect the kind of a real-life scenario. People go to their day to day assuming there will be one after it and that it will all be redundant. I recently lost a pet and I regretted the time I did not spend with that pet as well as just taking them for granted in general. Even though my pet isn’t with me anymore she guides my life choices from day today. Like I said before you are the character so in order to align the reader's interest with the story motivators where I wanted to put the reader in the characters place. I wanted this twine, although it is a project, to tell a story that you can reflect on and gain from. In a way I guess I was forcing the people who will read this twine to learn the lesson I went through. That each decision you make everyday matters and all the clues to the right answers are in front of you so never second guess yourself. As well as don’t take a pet or relationship for granted. One day you might be going about your daily routine (such as taking a pet to the vet) and something life-changing will happen and make it where you'll never see that person or pet again but the decision of you trusting that relationship and what it meant and implementing that into your new everyday decisions. (sorry I got a little deep…) 

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